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About us

The ICMMP conference, organized by the Moroccan Association of Harmonic Analysis and Spectral Geometry, brings together leading experts and research scholars to exchange and share their experience and research results on all aspects of mathematical physics and to promote transference of knowledge at the crossroads of mathematics and physics. There will be plenary sessions (30 to 40min), short talks and posters for student presentations.

The scope of the conference is quite broad, including in particular the following topics:

Polyanalytic function theory

Clifford analysis and applications 

Harmonic analysis 

Special functions and q-analogues

Orthogonal polynomials

Geometric mechanics and symmetry 

Exact solvable systems

Hopf algebras and quantum groups

Representation theory and quantization 

Coherent states Time-frequency analysis and wavelets 

  Spectral theory and quantum systems Topological methods



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